
Elevate Your Comfort & Performance With Orthotics

We are proud to offer 2 different types of orthotics. Choose everyday walking or sports specific, custom-designed for your unique needs.

a young man sitting on the couch is putting the orthotic on his white tennis shoes

Everyday Walking Orthotics

A skilled physical therapist will measure, adapt, and adjust the orthotics to best fit your body alignment your feet and the way you walk.

$185 One pair of orthotics

$30 One future adjustment session

Sports Specific Orthotics

We represent Tamir Kfir, a world renowned sports orthotics manufacturer. These orthotics are custom made for your feet assisted by a 3D scanning system. We individually design sports specific orthotics to optimize your running gait, sports specific performance, stability, support, shock absorption and ground interface as it relates to your physique and unique movement pattern, possible injuries and prevention strategies.

$450 One pair of orthotics

$20 One future adjustment session

a woman in sportswear is putting the orthotic on her tennis shoe